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Does India deserve Permanent Seat at United Nations Security Council?
#HaqBantaHai #India deserves
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IIM Ahmedabad alumni initiates a petition and mobilizes Indians

संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद में "वीटो फॉर इंडिया" का समर्थन करें। सबसे बड़ा देश इसका हकदार है।

Yes, it is time India is given its due place as a Permanent Member in the United Nations Security Council. India's exclusion today from this most powerful decision- making global body makes no sense.

Today, India is the most populous country in the world, having overtaken China in population earlier in the year. India has been a rule abiding and responsible member of the United Nations - the largest democracy in the world and the fifth largest economy.  Denying 1.4 billion Indians a voice for themselves and millions more in the developing world is a violation of human rights.

This petition filed by IIMA alumnus Arvind Singh on has been directed to the below heads:

António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres
Secretary General, UN
Joseph R. Biden
President, USA
Xi Jinping
President, Peoples' Republic of China
Vladimir Putin
Prime Minister, Russia
Rishi Sunak
Prime Minister, United Kingdom
Emanuel Macron
President, France
Csaba Korosi
President, UN Security Council
Inspired By
Narendra Modi
Prime Minister, Republic of India

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1.6 Billion
3rd Largest
Economy by 2030
USD 26 Trillion
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945 Millions
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What is UNSC?

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six main organs of the United Nations. It is primarily responsible to maintain international peace and security. UNSC has 5 permanent members namely USA, China, Russia, France and United Kingdon and 10 non- permanent members elected by the members of the UN General Assembly. India has been elected a non-permanent member on 8 occasions.

  • Five Permanent Members

    Ten Non-Permanent Members

  • New Non-Permanent Members

  • India At UNSC

  • Call for Reforms

Founder of this Movement

Arvind Singh

Founder, Veto 4 India movement

Arvind Singh, the petitioner behind the movement to secure a permanent seat for India at the UN Security Council, believes that the time for change is now. He is urging Indians in India and overseas to come together and demand that India be granted a permanent seat with full veto rights by 2023. According to Arvind, while the Indian government and our diplomats are doing their part, it is also up for us – the people of India to make our voices heard and achieve this.

Arvind Singh , the petitioner behind the movement to secure a permanent seat for India at the UN Security Council, believes that the time for change is now. He is urging Indians in India and overseas to come together and demand that India be granted a permanent seat with full veto rights by 2023. According to Arvind, while the Indian government and our diplomats are doing their part, it is also up for us – the people of India to make our voices heard and achieve this.

Arvind Singh an IIMA alumni, is a distinguished ex- international banker with Citibank and Standard Chartered Bank and proud citizen of the Republic of India, has recently relocated back to India after nearly 30 years overseas in Singapore and China.

Supporters of Veto4India Movement

30,000+ people from 62 countries have shown their support to this petition on

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Why India Deserves Permanent Seat at UNSC?

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United Nations Security Council

United Nations Security Council is one of the six main organs of the United Nations. It’s primarily responsible to maintain international peace and security. According to UN rules, the General Assembly elects five non-permanent members each year, the members have to bag two-thirds majority to qualify for the seat.
Current members: Permanent Members: USA, UK, China, France, Russia Ten Non-Permanent Members : Albania (2023), Brazil (2023), Ecuador (2024), Gabon (2023) Ghana (2023), Japan (2024), Malta (2024), Mozambique (2024), Switzerland (2024), United Arab Emirates (2023). India has been elected as a non-permanent member of UNSC on eight occasions. Beyond permanency itself, the veto power is the UN Charter’s most significant distinction between permanent and non-permanent members. 4 out of 5 permanent members have extended their support to India;s candidature for a permanent seat. China has strongly been opposing India’s candidature.

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